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Grow My Money cashback site puts money back into your mortgage or superannuation

Pascale Helyar-MorayPascale Helyar-MorayPascale Helyar-Moray OAMMay 10, 2023
woman shopping with Grow My Moneywoman shopping with Grow My Money

Looking to make extra contributions towards your superannuation or mortgage without sacrificing other areas of your finances? Grow My Money can help. With over 1000+ participating brands, our cashback program enables you to earn cashback rewards on purchases made at participating retailers, with the rewards paid directly into your nominated account. The best part? You get to choose whether to put the cashback rewards towards your mortgage or super balance.

What is the Grow My Money cashback program?

Formerly known as Super-Rewards, we were Australia's most rewarding and industry-recognised superannuation cashback program. We have now expanded into home loan repayments to help you focus on life's other most important asset - your home. You now have the choice to contribute to either your mortgage or your super balance. With over 1000+ participating brands, ranging from major food retailers and department stores to fashion outlets and travel providers, you can easily find places to shop and pay down your mortgage or put more into your super with the click of a button. You will receive cashback rewards directly into your nominated account when you shop with a Grow My Money retailer online or in-store.

How does it work?

It's easy! All you have to do is create a free account on the Grow My Money website and link it to your chosen home loan account or superannuation fund. Then, make a purchase at one of the many participating retailers online or in-store. Once verified, the cashback will be visible on your Grow My Money dashboard. The amount of cashback varies between retailers but can be as high as 15%.

What are the advantages of extra payments into my mortgage?

Making extra payments into your mortgage has many advantages. Firstly, it can help you pay off your mortgage faster by reducing the amount of interest you pay over the life of the loan. Secondly, it can help you build equity in your home more quickly, giving you greater financial stability. Additionally, if you have a variable-rate mortgage, making extra payments can help you save money on interest when rates go up. Finally, paying off your mortgage faster can give you peace of mind and greater financial freedom in the long run. Check out Canstar for more great tips on ways to pay down your mortgage faster.

What are the advantages of voluntary contributions into my super?

The most recent holistic report on ‘Superannuation account balances by age and gender’ published in 2017 by the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) revealed that many Australians need to contribute more than just their compulsory contributions to their superannuation to have adequate savings for retirement. This is especially true for women, whose super balances tend to be lower than men's due to taking time out of the workforce for family or working part-time. Finding a 'big' lump sum can be challenging – especially if you're not working. The good news is even small amounts can make a difference, and one great way is through the Super-Rewards cashback rewards program. The most recent holistic report on ‘Superannuation account balances by age and gender’ published in 2017 by the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) revealed that many Australians need to contribute more than just their compulsory contributions to their superannuation to have adequate savings for retirement. This is especially true for women, whose super balances tend to be lower than men's, as Women in Super notes, due to taking time out of the workforce for family or working part-time. Finding a 'big' lump sum can be challenging – especially if you're not working. The good news is even small amounts can make a difference, and one great way is through the Grow My Money cashback rewards program. 

What sets Grow My Money apart from other cashback programs?

The key difference between Grow My Money and other cashback programs, as noted by Effie Zahos on The Today Show, is that the rewards can be paid into either your mortgage account or your superannuation fund. This is instead of being paid back as a discount on a purchase or credited onto a credit card or into a bank account.

With our 'set and forget' reward program, once you sign up, a percentage of the value of any eligible purchase is paid by the retailer, and then we pay into your account whenever you shop with participating retailers via Grow My Money.

While some might say, ‘I’ll just contribute extra to my super myself through savings / earning cashback into my bank’, the reality is that most Australians will never do this - and the level of voluntary contributions in the most recent APRA Annual fund-level superannuation statistics support this statement.

The fact is that Grow My Money removes ‘choice’ in terms of how and where to spend the monies earned. If you find a spare $50 in your wallet, you’ll think of 10 different ways to spend it – a new T-shirt, lunch with a friend, something for the children. But you’ll almost certainly never prioritise contributing to your super or mortgage. And that’s what Grow My Money does on your behalf.

This ‘set and forget’ structure makes it easier for people who are not working to make extra contributions towards their future retirement savings without making huge sacrifices elsewhere in their budget. Additionally, Grow My Money offers exclusive deals on top of its standard cashback rewards, giving customers even more reason to shop through this platform.

No matter where you are on the journey towards financial security, every little bit helps when it comes time to build a secure financial future. By joining the Grow My Money cashback program, you can take a smart step towards living mortgage-free, enjoying a better retirement, and reducing financial stress. With over 1000+ participating brands, exclusive deals, and up to 15% cashback going straight into your nominated mortgage or super account, you can easily make extra contributions towards your retirement savings. So, if you want to secure your financial future, sign up for Grow My Money today.