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Showcasing women-led businesses | International Women's Day

Grow My Money LogoGrow My Money LogoGrow My MoneyMar 06, 2023

Women Supporting Women on International Women's Day

On International Women's Day 2024, Grow My Money highlights women-led businesses that are fast-forwarding gender balance. Sadly, there has been little change since our founder, Pascale Helyar-Moray, participated in the Women's Economic Opportunities Review launch with the Premier and Treasurer of NSW. Australia currently ranks 43rd globally regarding gender equality, a modest improvement from its 45th position in 2022.

The women-led businesses showcased below are driving change for Australian women. Please help support them as you support Grow My Money.

Celebrating women in business


Industry: Technology, information & media

Founder: Bianca Hartge-Hazelman

Financy educates women to become financially fearless and educates organisations to help support women. Their mission is to expedite the journey towards equality by equipping individuals and businesses with stimulating insights and smart tools that encourage bold steps. Financy creates content that promotes women's financial advancement and has established itself as a frontrunner in discussions around economic gender equality and in measuring improvement timeframes. They now leverage insights to create intelligent technology for organisations and HR leaders, allowing them to actively progress towards equality and emerge as champions for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Financy's primary business service is based on two pillars: Advocacy and Technological Solutions for Action.

Sign Up & Visit Financy

Bianca Hartge-HazelmanBianca Hartge-Hazelman


Industry: Financial Services

Co-founder: Gaby Rosenberg

The Blossom app is a Fintech start-up that has democratised the fixed-income market by giving risk-averse and mostly young female investors access to a professionally managed portfolio of A-rated bonds for as little as a few cents. Gaby saw an opportunity to create a more accessible fixed-income market by addressing the issues of high minimums, high fees, and long lock-up periods that were a deterrent for everyday Australians. This led to the birth of Blossom, a user-friendly app regardless of socio-economic status, race, or gender. The app offers a no-fee model with no minimums while targeting 5.70% p.a. returns (as of September 2023).

Start Growing & Visit Blossom

Gaby RosenbergGaby Rosenberg

Super Fierce

Industry: Financial Services

Founder: Trenna Probert

Super Fierce provides unbiased advice and insights on superannuation. With decades of financial experience at its backbone, they aim to help you become financially astute for life, minus the strenuous effort. They focus on superannuation for the same reason as Super-Rewards. They recognise that super constitutes one of Australians' major financial investments and contributes most to the gender wealth disparity. To close the wealth gap, Super Fierce strive for economic security and an equitable super system for all. See how to save on superannuation fees in your FREE Super Savings Report. Super Fierce is a social enterprise licensed to give you advice.

Learn More & Visit Super Fierce

Trenna ProbertTrenna Probert

The Rural Woman

Industry: e-learning

Founder: Rebel Black

The Rural Women asserts that the solution to isolation is fostering connections. This has become achievable through their innovative digital platform. In the past, rural women paid a significant price to ease their isolation, whether it involved travel costs, event expenses, and time spent apart from home and loved ones. However, this is no longer a necessary sacrifice with the advent of their unique online platform. The Rural Women website offers a secure, supportive, and inspirational space for online learning, networking, and personal growth experiences - all without the need to leave the bush. They promote rural women's financial stability and wellness through education and networking. Their assorted offerings include online educational hubs, tailored coaching and consulting programs, business and personal development masterminds, technology access and mentoring. These provide a myriad of avenues for rural women to create connections.

Learn More & Visit TRW

Rebel BlackRebel Black

Thalia Stanley Group

Industry: Financial education

Founder: Marion Mays

The Thalia Stanley Group is an established women-led business committed to teaching the basics of earning, managing, and multiplying money while promoting women's home ownership. They focus on providing coaching, education and mentorship to first-time investors and home buyers so they can gain expertise and confidence in all financial matters.

Join Today & Visit Thalia Stanley

Thalia StanleyThalia Stanley

Her Home Loan

Industry: Financial services

Founder: Marie Vlahos

HER HOME LOAN helps boost women's financial independence and provides mentorship in property investment, home ownership, and superannuation to enhance their future wealth. Having procured exclusive rewards and benefits, their proficient team can help women achieve their goals and a prosperous financial future regardless of their life stage.

Learn more & Visit Her Home Loan

As we celebrate International Women's Day, let's endorse, promote, and partner with women-led businesses. These powerhouse enterprises, fuelled by daring and dedicated women, inspire future female entrepreneurs. Supporting these Australian businesses is a bold step towards achieving gender equality and empowering women in leadership. Remember, each successful woman proves we can defy the odds and shape our destinies. Today, let's stand up for women, not only for gender parity but also for their dreams and ambitions in the business world. Let's celebrate women's achievements and their indomitable spirit to transform the world.