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How Grow My Money's card-linking technology boosts sales and customer loyalty

Pascale Helyar-MorayPascale Helyar-MorayPascale Helyar-Moray OAMSep 06, 2023
online card-linked retailer accepting card paymentonline card-linked retailer accepting card payment

Rewards are a powerful tool in influencing consumer behaviour and driving sales. As many consumers factor in any likely rewards when deciding which retailer will receive their money, it's important for retailers to offer a simple and effective rewards program. That's where Grow My Money comes in. We offer a revolutionary card-linking technology that provides a seamless and frictionless customer experience, which in turn can boost sales and drive customer loyalty. This article will take a closer look at card-linking technology and the benefits it brings to retailers like you. We'll explain how online card-linking works and why partnering with Grow My Money can help your brand offer mortgage or superannuation cashback rewards to your customers via card-linking.

The benefits of card-linked offers

Card-linked offers (CLOs) are a powerful way to attract and retain customers. According to a survey by Accenture, rewards influence 77% of consumers when deciding where to shop, and CLOs are an effective way to offer rewards without any upfront costs. With CLOs, merchants pay only when a purchase is made, and the rewards are delivered seamlessly to the customer.

Grow My Money has implemented card-linking technology that allows customers to link their Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card to their Grow My Money account. Once their card or cards are linked, customers can shop via the Grow My Money website, app, browser extension, or directly from a participating online retailer. Our card-linking technology ensures a seamless and frictionless customer experience, making it highly effective in driving customer loyalty.

Partnering with Grow My Money means you can offer your customers mortgage or superannuation cashback rewards via card-linking. This provides a unique opportunity to attract and retain loyal customers, increase order size, and boost sales. With its impact-driven mission of helping close the gender super gap, Grow My Money has established itself as the most rewarding and industry-leading super cashback program. Our extensive reach to a wide base of customers ensures that your brand can take advantage of the latest marketing tools and technologies.

So, how does online card-linking work in Grow My Money? It's simple:

Step 1: Customers link their Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card(s) to their Grow My Money account.

Step 2: Customers use their linked card(s) when they spend at your brand via our website, app, or browser extension.

Step 3: Customers have a great shopping experience, get rewarded for their purchases, and brands get to take advantage of our extensive reach to a wide base of customers.

Grow My Money card-linking technology is a powerful tool for boosting sales, increasing order size, and driving customer loyalty. With CLOs, merchants can enjoy the benefits of digital advertising without any upfront costs, paying only when a purchase is made. Plus, CLOs provide a seamless and frictionless experience for customers, making them highly effective.

By partnering with Grow My Money, you can offer your customers mortgage or superannuation cashback rewards through card-linking. This helps you attract and retain loyal customers and enables your brand to leverage the latest marketing tools and technologies. By making a positive impact and changing the financial futures of your customers, you can supercharge your sales and take your business to the next level. If you want to become a retail partner with Grow My Money, please contact us today to learn more.